London Festival of Architecture

London Festival of Architecture

Hutchinson & Partners are proud to be contributing to the London Festival of Architecture programme this year. We will be continuing our ‘fragments’ exhibition in which we examine the relationship between context, articulation and scale in the architecture of the city. We will also be holding a talk entitled ‘Living Above the Shop’ in which we will explore and debate the past, present and future relationship between the home and the shop, and the role that their relationship has played and will play in shaping the identity of London’s streets and town centres. The talk will explore the changing nature of this relationship including the role that changing zeitgeists of commerce and transport have played in changing the relationships between people and the street, and how a return to Living Above the Shop can be reinterpreted in a contemporary context to create and enhance a dense, liveable, walkable and sustainable city centre, and so provide a template for the successful city of the future.

You can register for the talk by following the link below: